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The goal of our Childcare service is to create a partnership with families in caring for their children. We provide a nurturing and safe home away from home environment to help the development of the whole child, with an equal focus on emotional, social, physical and intellectual development throughout the preschool years. We aspire to foster hope and wonder through an understanding and respect for the natural environment.

We believe children come first, with the right to be recognized as people with valuable views and interests. We strongly believe that children deserve respect, trust and kindness and acknowledge that there are many paths of learning and value a holistic perspective of learning. Our educators encourage children to construct their own identities and understanding of the world, igniting conversations and creating positive learning environments that contribute to children’s’ learning and strong sense of identity and wellbeing


Steps to our success

  • Owner and operator managed.
  • Focused on a learn through play philosophy, using every play moment as an opportunity to teach and allow children to be creative, curious, adventurous and inquisitive.
  • Highly diverse and nutritious culinary experiences.
  • Committed, passionate and experienced Educators.
  • Respect of individual differences and cultural diversity.
  • Using technology to connect with parents and provide a safe and secure centre.

Learn more about what we provide


2620 Mica Place

Langford, BC

V9B 5N1



P: (778) 265-KIDS (5437)



7:00 am – 5:00 pm

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